
Archive for the ‘General Life’ Category

Randi at i have to say is thinking about organizing a Sewing Seeds project to sew skirts for girls in Haiti. In her words:

***Sewing Seeds is a project that I occasionally organize here on my blog to collect and distribute handmade skirts to little girls in areas where there is need…***

She’s looking for interested people to respond; with 90 comments and counting, I’m thinking this will be a “go!”  I wanted to get the word out here as well, so if you’re interested in joining in, read her whole post and go on and let her know!

I know I’ll be excited if this happens!

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For Christmas, my mom got me the perfect-for-my-life-right-now book One Yard Wonders. I’d seen it on Inside Storey–Storey Publishing’s Blog (my all-time favorite publisher-blog, btw), and had wanted it for a while. I kept WAITING for it to arrive at B&N so I could leaf through it, or at least see some samples at Amazon, but no such luck–I put it on my wishlist sight-unseen and I’m so glad I did.

One-Yard Wonders: 101 Sewing Fabric Projects; Look How Much You Can Make with Just One Yard of Fabric!

Being so busy, I only have time for short projects…and I mean REALLY short projects. Skirts would be a stretch. But this book has ton of super-quick ideas, and one of the fastest has to be the collapsible tote. I went to Jo-Anns and found some fabric to match my new CVS Green Bag Tag, and set to work!

Here it is looking all yellow-y, but it shows how small it is all tied up.

And unfolded (and back to normal colors!):

And the glamour shot:

VERY easy to make, and I say that as a relatively novice sewer who always messes up somewhere; my one issue was that I apparently misread the bolt info–I could have SWORN it said 44″/45″ but apparently it was only 40″/45″…or something. Anyways, I was 3″ short on the length. So, I’ve got an extra seam on the back where I, uh, “created” a fold…but apart from that issue on my end, it was extremely easy and very fun. What a great way to try out new fabrics!

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CVS Pharmacy | MinuteClinic | Nationwide in the US | Need treatments & list of costs | No appointments | Open 7 days |

To say that I shop at CVS is a vast understatement; I’m there not only snagging deals (though not as often of late), but I also pick up my prescriptions and satisfy any 11-PM Combos & Doritos needs there. I also journal, and thus, generally TRY to be aware of my surroundings; female safety and all that also comes into play. So when I learned that there was a minute clinic in my CVS, my first thought was ‘Where? In the chairs by the pharmacy?” Only after some extensive visualization did I remember a door to the side with a computer in front of it. I don’t know what I thought it was–a store room or something–but when I re-played my CVS in my head, that was the only location that made sense.

To start at the beginning:

I’ve been coughing. Coughing so badly that I’ve been to the point of throwing up. Coughing so badly that I decided to take TWO doses of Nyquil, knowing full well that taking 1 ml over the recommended dose ONCE a night, makes me throw up the next morning. I decided throwing up (which I did indeed) was worth getting an extra few hours of sleep. I went to CVS at 5 AM one night to get some Robitussin DM Max for Adults the next night. It did nothing.

My husband and I had been blaming it on the dry air, but this was getting ridiculous. We got a humidifier. No change. So I called my doctor, and was told they couldn’t give me any prescriptions over the phone, and oh, the earliest appointment was 5 days away. I nearly cried.

But then, my smart husband emailed  “Why not try a clinic?”

A clinic? Hm. It was worth a shot! And once I found MinuteClinic, and learned that there was one INSIDE MY CVS, well, the decision was made.

So I signed in on the big, 32″ computer-screen station that I’d totally ignored, right under the big “minute clinic” sign I’d totally ignored, and was placed at No. 5 on the list. Each person seen for a “visit” takes about 20 minutes; if they come for a “shot” it’s generally about 10 minutes. So 50 minutes later, I’m in what I thought was a storeroom…and greeting My. Old. Doctor. So, automatic good assurance of quality care–she was my favorite doctor (or rather, RN, technically, I think) too!

My insurance was accepted just fine (I called ahead to check; even if it wasn’t, it’s $62.00 for a illness visit); she listened to my symptoms, took my blood pressure, temperature, and listened to my heart & breathing, felt lymph nodes or neck swelling or something. She gave me a diagnosis of acute bronchitis, and I walked out with an inhaler, daytime and nighttime cough medicines, and antibiotics. Now, I’d read that some doctors had criticized minute clinics for over-prescribing antibiotics, but she fully explained why I needed them, and explained their benefits…and besides, she was my old doctor! MinuteClinic doctors are also ONLY allowed to prescribe what the computer spits out…an extra safeguard, I assume.

Thus was my weekend, and the next few days at work, saved from much agony. I’m sleeping now, I’m feeling better, and I not only paid just as little as I would with the doctor, it saved me money by allowing me to go after work, instead of having to take time off, and was definitely quicker. So, I’m now a believer in MinuteClinics, and would highly recommend them if you’ve got a common condition and can’t get to your doctor for some reason. And that’s what worked for me!

See more WFMW @ We Are That Family.

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Snapware 18pc Glasslock Tempered Glass Storage Containers 18piece Set with Lids

A mere few days ago, my sister-in-law gave us our Christmas present (Since she flew out with her 3-year-old from Seattle, and then there was the snow storm to keep us all apart even longer). Glasslock Snapware. And I Love It. Love it, Love it. Before, we had been using a combination of recycled containers from all those family-run Italian joints around and 2 packs of leaky flat tupperware, plus about 4 bowls with maybe 3 lids. We needed something different, and I admit my mind had been running on whatever brand those commercials show everything locking and stacking, as we DO have a serious problem with tupperware falling on our heads, and then into a sink full of dirty dishes. Much hatred ensued.

But these–no leeching worries in the back of my mind. And the lids LOCK–I had really, really soupy gravy with my pot roast, and even though I dumped it over, no spillage. Now, they don’t really stack, and while I don’t want plastic falling on my head, I certainly don’t want glass falling on my head–some of the smaller ones can fit in the larger ones, but not in a particularly neat & organized way, especially with the 4-flap lids involved and the fact that while it’s convenient to have 2 identically sized containers, they don’t fit in each other, and then what can you do? (Yes, that is a run on sentence).

But, I love the clinking of glass, and OH, they HEAT FASTER. And when you’re as busy at work as I am-or at least all your coworkers are sitting & eating and you’re STILL waiting for that food to heat up-this is a decided bonus.

So, that’s my entirely unbought recommendation, and that’s what works for me.

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Yes! I hadn’t seen these at my CVS before, so I was very excited to pick one up yesterday:

(Sorry for the photo quality, I used my phone!) I’m sure most have heard by now, but with the CVS Green Bag Tag, you attach it on to a reusable bag, and they scan it every time you bring it into the store–for every fourth visit, you get a free ECB. This is even MORE perfect timing, because I got it the same day I went to Jo-Ann’s fabric to make some of the projects from “One-Yard Wonders“–including the reusable, squishable sack.

I’ve sadly cut WAY back on my CVS trips, since I’m so often short of time when I’m in class, but while I’m on break, I’m always glad to make a stop or two; so yesterday, I picked up 2 Olay Regenerist Facial Cleansers for $10.something with coupons, and then submitted for a $15.00 rebate. Simple enough, and it definitely brought back the thrill of the chase! Can’t wait to see what’s on sale this week…

And, in the meantime, for everyone snowed-in by this storm (like me!) keep safe and warm and happy! I’m off to sew!

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Of course, the week I had no time (rather unexpectedly) to post at all, is the week after I intentionally “took” a week off.


To those who’re new, or who’ve forgotten ;-), I work full time AND I’m a student. And, this semester I’m happy to report I’m finally at my “last” campus (I did one year at Ithaca College before leaving to get married, got my associates this past spring (so that I got a discount at state school/could get my Gen Eds out of the way locally), and now am finally about 33 credits away from my B.A. *phew!*

While working on my AA, it worked out nicely since most of my classes were online or only 15 minutes away. Plus, they were community college courses. It was rather like Middle School. The only difficult courses were 2 due to this 1 professor, so last fall I only took 2 courses, this past spring just 1, and this summer I had off. Great for blogging regularly.

NOW, however, I’m commuting about 45 min-1 hr. each way in and out of Boston, taking 3 classes at “normal” college level, actually getting challenging homework/tests, and still working 40+ hours a week. In fact, let’s go all the way and write out my schedule for this fall:

Monday: Work 9-5:30, home at 6.
Tuesday: Get up at 5 AM, work 6:30-3:00, drive straight to Boston, class until 5:15, home at 6:30/7 PM (yay traffic!)
Wednesday: Work 9-5:30, husband’s Bible Study till 10 PM (I’ve been skipping a lot)
Thursday: Up at 5, work 6:30-3:00, TWO classes in Boston, get home at 10-10:30 PM
Friday: Work 9-5:30
Saturday: Class w/ driving times: 10:30-3:30; Class if I take the commuter rail: 9:00-5:00
Sunday: Church including after-church ministries

And add in dates with friends, and most importantly, homework, and I’ve found my blogging time reduced to about 2 hours if I’m on top of everything. Last week I was obviously rushed since I was camping all weekend, and that carried over…so, long story short, it’s hard, and I’m NOT planning on temporarily shutting down…but I beg your patience in the meantime. I’m ahead of the game this week, so…*crosses fingers*.



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So, it looks like the Hannaford site circular is currently down…and I’m going to go to bed early to help fight off this cold. But I’ll try again tomorrow!

Have a good night, folks-


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There is a LINE between good-frugal and ridiculous. And I really, really should learn to get on the good side of that line in all circumstances…because somehow, there is a mechanism in my brain that will ALWAYS let me buy the $3.99 DeSomethings Cream Puffs at Market Basket (that are always $6.99 at Shaws), but WON’T let me buy a box of tissues without a coupon when I feel a cold coming on (and when my stash is depleted…how did that happen?).

That decision never goes well for me.  Because now I’m here with a nose is so sore I can’t even SMILE. Eeeeh. But, I stayed home from church today and slept in till oh, about an hour ago, so I’m going to get ready for the day, throw in a load of laundry, and put up blog posts (market basket first!) in between trying to get my house back in order, since really, who feels like cleaning when they’re sick? Not meeee….and then I’ll have my husband pick up some Puffs Premium with Aloe tissues and maybe some Panera soup on his way home. 🙂

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In some e-book I was looking at recently, I came across a simple “recipe” for a homemade linen spray. That one called for 1/2 cup of vodka and 15-20 drops of Lavendar, but since our Vodka supply was slightly low, I decided to go with this recipe for a homemade lavendar linen spray. Calling for 1/2 cup of distilled water, 1 teaspoon of vodka and 5-6 drops of Lavendar, it was just the perfect amount of scent.

I put it in a clear plastic bottle, but think I want something a little bit fancier…looking around online, I came across exactly what I want:

8oz Frosted Apothecary Glass Bottle W/ Clear Mister

It’s frosted glass, but unfortunately only available wholesale…and I can’t seem to find it anywhere else online. Which means I might go to choice number 2:

Frosted Glass Perfume Bottle

6 for only $10.50 or $2.50 each!

I read another recipe for cucumber body/linen spray that used a real cucumber…but can’t find it anywhere. Anyone know of something similar?

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